The BrainMap Development Team

Peter T. Fox, M.D. is the founding director of the Research Imaging Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. The BrainMap database is supported by the NIMH (2R01-MH074457) awarded to Dr. Fox.

Please email Dr. Fox if you would like to discuss your ideas for collaboration on the development of meta-analysis tools and neuroinformatics database strategies.

Jack Lancaster, Ph.D. is a Professor and Chief of the Biomedical Image Analysis Division (BIAD) at the Research Imaging Institute. Jack is an expert in spatial normalization techniques and developed the coordinate conversion algorithm, icbm2tal (Lancaster transform), to accurately compare Talairach and MNI coordinates archived in BrainMap.

Michaela Robertson, MS is a Research Scientist at the Research Imaging Institute with over a decade of experience in clinical/healthcare-related research. She heads up BrainMap’s coding team, which is responsible for submissions to, as well as quality-control of, the BrainMap database. In addition, she, under the direction of Dr. Fox, maintains the BrainMap taxonomy/coding schema and provides additional and statistical support as needed.

Email Michaela if you should have questions regarding the BrainMap taxonomy, have questions about current coding projects or potential large-scale coding projects, or if you would like information about attending one of the BrainMap workshops we provide.

Angela Uecker is a Database Administrator - Senior at the Research Imaging Institute. She is responsible for the development of Scribe and maintenance of the Oracle database that contains all of BrainMap's meta-data and coordinate data. Email Angela if you have any questions regarding the software Scribe, our database structure, or this website.

Mick Fox is a Applications Programmer - Intermediate at the Research Imaging Institute. He is responsible for the development of Sleuth and GingerALE. Email Mick if you have any questions regarding these software applications and their relevant algorithms.

Janaye Dews, BS is a BrainMap Research Assistant. She is the lead coder in our lab and is the point of contact for all submissions. She is mainly responsible for the initial review of structural and task submissions to the BrainMap database, as well as coding new submissions (e.g., via BrainMap's various projects and collaborations). Janaye trains all new coders and provides additional BrainMap support as needed, to Michaela and Dr. Fox.

Email Janaye if you have a new submission or have any questions regarding the submission details of a particular paper or batch of papers you have submitted. Coded publications should be sent to using the subject line "New BrainMap Submission - Please Review". If you would like our training materials or would like to receive coder training, you may also contact Janaye.

BrainMap Alumni

Iliana Sanchez was BrainMap Research Assistant from May 2013 to September 2015.

Juan Saenz was a BrainMap Research Assistant from October 2010 to May 2013. He is currently enrolled in Medical School at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.

Kim Ray was a BrainMap Research Assistant from June 2009 to August 2010. She was a graduate student in UTHSCSA's Radiological Sciences Graduate Program, until she graduated in 2014. Her research focused on neuroinformatics, text mining and graph theory, supervised by Dr. Laird.

Sabina Gonzales was a BrainMap Research Assistant from October 2007 to August 2009. She was a graduate student in UTHSCSA's Radiological Sciences Graduate Program, supervised by Dr. Don Robin. Her research focused on auditory feedback in voice disorders using functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Past Summer Interns

Summer 2023

Summer 2020

Summer 2019

Summer 2018

Summer 2015

Summer 2014

Mailing Address

The BrainMap Project
Research Imaging Institute, Mail Code 6240
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900

Copyright © 2003 Research Imaging Institute. All rights reserved.