Speakers at the BrainMap Research Workshop

Prof Peter T Fox is the founding director of the Research Imaging Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the BrainMap database. He has pioneered new neuroimaging methodologies to understand human brain function and is highly influential in the neuroimaging field.


Prof Jack Lancaster is a Professor and Chief of the Biomedical Image Analysis Division (BIAD) at the Research Imaging Institute. He is an expert in spatial normalization techniques and developed the coordinate conversion algorithm, icbm2tal (Lan­caster transform), to accurately compare Talairach and MNI coordinates archived in BrainMap.


Michaela Robertson is a Research Scientist at the Research Imaging Institute with over a decade of experience in clinical/healthcare-related research. She heads up the coding team of the BrainMap database, maintains the BrainMap taxonomy, and provides additional and statistical support as needed.


Mickle Fox is an Applications Programmer at the Research Imaging Institute, responsible for the development of Sleuth and GingerALE. He has over a decade of experience in data-mining the BrainMap data, exporting it in formats that facilitiate analyses like ICA, SEM, Mango's Behavior and Paradigm plugins, and more.

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