BrainMap Research Workshop Materials

Notice: These materials are from the previous workshop iteration. They will be updated for 2023 shortly. Thank you for your patience.


The BrainMap Taxonomy describes the experimental design of neuroimaging publications. It has many parts, but in particular:


Scribe prepares publications for entry into our databases by encoding them using our taxonomy.

The latest version of the software is available from

Scribe manual: manual_sparse.pdf

Scribe Training Videos (zip files):

Scribe example files:


Sleuth searches our databases, creates "workspace" data-sets, plots coordinates in Talairach space, and supports exporting data for further analysis. The most recent version adds a "filter" search field that lets you quickly find studies within your workspace and refine your dataset. It can be downloaded from

Sleuth manual: manual.pdf

Sleuth requires a user account, but for the workshop you can use:
User: workshop
Password: workshop19

Sleuth Training Video (zip files):


GingerALE can perform analyses in Talairach or MNI space, and includes a tool for converting between them. Several thresholding options are available: P value, Family-wise Error (FWE) correction by voxel-wise ALE value or by cluster-size. Areas passing the threshold are described in "cluster stats". It is also useful for meta-analytic connectivity analysis (MACM). It can be downloaded from

GingerALE manual: manual.pdf

GingerALE example files:

PRISMA Consort Spreadsheet: PRISMA_TABLE_MDD_example.xlsx


Mango is a powerful image viewing and analysis program.

The latest desktop version is available for download.

Behavioral Analysis and Paradigm Analysis can be added to Mango as plug-ins.

Mango example files:

Copyright © 2003 Research Imaging Institute. All rights reserved.