Context - Treatment


Treatment is selected as a context when activation differences are expected to be due to treatment or therapy given to the subjects. An example from the functional database is the De Nil study where researchers looked at the short and long-term effects of a treatment for stutterers (De Nil, 2003). This context should not be co-coded with Normal Mapping.

Co-coded Terms

Context - Treatment


Treatment is selected as a context when activation differences are expected to be due to treatment or therapy given to the subjects. An example from the functional database is the De Nil study where researchers looked at the short and long-term effects of a treatment for stutterers (De Nil, 2003). This context should not be co-coded with Normal Mapping.

Co-coded Terms

Context - Treatment


Treatment is selected as a context when activation differences are expected to be due to treatment or therapy given to the subjects. An example from the functional database is the De Nil study where researchers looked at the short and long-term effects of a treatment for stutterers (De Nil, 2003). This context should not be co-coded with Normal Mapping.

Co-coded Terms

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