Stimulus Modality

Auditory: The auditory modality is the stimulus modality that pertains to the sense of hearing. It usually arises from an audible stimulation of the auditory (hearing) system, such as from a sound.

Gustatory: The gustatory modality is the stimulus modality pertaining to the sense of taste or flavor. It usually but not always arises through stimulation of the gustatory system (e.g., tastebuds, nasal receptors).

Interoceptive: The interoceptive modality is the stimulus modality that pertains to the sense of interoception, or internal sensations.

Olfactory: The olfactory modality is the stimulus modality pertaining to the sense of smell. It usually but not always arises from the stimulation of the olfactory system by chemicals.

Other: Other

Tactile: The tactile modality is the stimulus modality pertaining to the sense of contact via the skin with other, external objects.

Visual: The visual modality is the stimulus modality that pertains to the sense of sight. It usually but not always arises from the stimulation of the visual system with a light source of sufficient brightness to be visible.

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